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Yugioh! Obelisk The Tormentor QCSR LC01-EN001 Legendary Collection: 25th English
Yugioh! The Winged Dragon Of Ra QCSR LC01-EN003 Legendary Collection: 25th Eng
Yugioh! Slifer The Sky Dragon QCSR LC01-EN002 Legendary Collection: 25th English
Yugioh! Red-Eyes Black Dragon QCSR TN23-EN003 Dueling Heroes English
Yugioh! Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon QCSR MP24-EN044 Dueling Mirrors Tin English
Yugioh! Salamangreat Blaze Dragon QCSR TN23-EN007 Dueling Heroes English
Yugioh! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon QCSR TN23-EN011 Dueling Heroes English