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Fabled Sagas Ryoko, Lady of the Jademist P KSPR-EN002 BGS 9.5 Kickstarter Promos
Fabled Sagas Gigi, Gentle Soul M ARCH-EN072 Archnotes Englis
Fabled Sagas Kallidal, the Conlistan Spark M ARCH-EN073 Archnotes English
Fabled Sagas Nilya, Crysionist Trickster M ARCH-EN061 Archnotes English
Fabled Sagas Caelum, Crimson Gloom M ARCH-EN024 Archnotes English
Fabled Sagas Encroaching Shadows M ARCH-EN118 Archnotes English
Fabled Sagas Gigi, Gentle Soul M CGC Pristine 10 Archnotes English
Fabled Sagas Kallidal, the Conlistan Spark M CGC Pristine 10 Archnotes English
Fabled Sagas Nilya, Crysionist Trickster M CGC Pristine 10 Festival of Fusumbre
Fabled Sagas Ryoko, Lady of the Jademist Promo CGC Mint 9 Lore Series English
Fabled Sagas Juneth, Martial Law M CGC Gem Mint 10 Archnotes English
Fabled Sagas On Sandy Shores Booster Box Pre-Order (Limited Foil Edition)